S I X M O N T H S || Oh my, how did we get here. I made an entry 3months ago & feel so guilty that I haven’t been so active here, when I promised I would be.

My lil dinosaur is 6months today & I swear every month gets sweeter and sweeter.

He is such a loving and sweet lil human. He loves face to face interaction & the tiny love characters is his best friends.

He kicks his feet whenever I’m about to leave and prefers me over Judz when I’m home. She use to get more smiles and giggles but now we even, he adores her though & put his mouth all over her face like his kissing her, but mostly when she irritates him and won’t stop kissing him. He loves their one on one everyday & gets all the playtime with her. 😀

I am in awe of where we are now. There was a time when I couldn’t wait for these moments where he could interact with us, laugh with or at us, and enjoy things with us. And now that we are here I wish I could freeze time. It feels like we spent a lifetime waiting for him & now that we have him, time is going by so quickly. I cherish every moment so much, and I can’t help but think I have our journey to him to thank for that.

Everyone told me how quickly time goes by but I didn’t realize just how accurate that was until now. It feels like yesterday that we were in the hospital preparing for his arrival.

He is such a sweet, happy boy. Watching him grow has been the greatest blessing. I’m so excited to see where the second half of his first year takes us. Happy Six Month my Sweet Boy. 🦕🦖🧡💛

I have been so active on Instagram that I forgot about my blog. But I vow to be more active on here again. Saying vowing sounds more cooler then I promise, so maybe this time I will 😀


TheCrazyBeautifuls ¥